NEEP Policy Highlights

Top Five Policy Implications of Residential Lighting Strategy Report

Residential lighting has been one of the longest standing measures in efficiency program portfolios. With such a long history, you may be surprised to hear that it’s a rapidly-evolving space with significant advancements, especially in the past several years.

Going Deeper: NEEP’s Take on Proposed Carbon Regs and the Role of EE

For the last year and a half, seemingly every conversation about energy policy has been dominated by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) plans to regulate the emissions of carbon dioxide from power plants.

Energy Efficiency Policy Highlights - October 2014

Welcome to Highlights! October 2014

Regional Leadership and Brotherly Love at NEEP's 2014 Building Energy Codes Meeting

Last month, NEEP held its annual full day Regional Building Energy Codes Leadership Group meeting in Philadelphia at the Consortium for Building Energy Innovation (CBEI). NEEP’s Codes Leadership Group is a forum for information dissemination and exchange between building energy code stakeholders in our region, including state and municipal agencies, utilities, building officials, practitioners, and more that convenes for three webinars and one full day meeting each year.

Building Energy Code Coverage: ICC Annual Meeting and IGCC Public Hearings

Fort Lauderdale, Florida September 28 – October 4, 2014:  The International Code Council’s (ICC) Annual Meeting and Conference brought together over a thousand code officials from across the nation and around the world, and NEEP was there, representing the region. The conference and annual business meeting offered educational seminars, regional networking events, and strategic planning meetings.

Going Deeper: The Future of Energy Efficiency Resources in New York

New York has some of the region’s most aggressive energy efficiency programs, and is now in the midst of an ambitious set of initiatives aimed at “Reforming the Energy Vision.” As the state tackles complex issues of new utility models and a changing view of state, utility and market roles, NEEP is watching closely to ensure there is a continuing and prominent role for energy efficiency — the least-cost resource.

Portland, ME Partners with US Department of Energy to Advance Outdoor Lighting Options

Last month, the City of Portland became the latest city to partner with the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) on their High Performance Outdoor Lighting Accelerator. The move is the latest in a suite of energy efficiency initiatives taken by the Forest City with the goal of saving taxpayer money and cutting carbon emissions.

Fourth Quarter 2014: Time for Region to Get in the Game on Appliance Standards

Regional efficiency stakeholders have a lot riding on the outcomes of several important federal appliance standards rulemakings in the fourth quarter of 2014, including proposal stages for residential gas furnaces, residential boilers (gas and oil) and commercial package air conditioner/heat pumps —commonly referred to as roof-top units.

Energy Efficiency Policy Highlights - August

Welcome to Highlights! August 2014

Energy Efficiency Policy Tracker: August 2014

This summer, we’ve seen the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic states continue tackle the major themes outlined at last month’s NEEP Summit in Newport: modernizing the electric grid, de-carbonizing the electric sector, and managing electric-gas infrastructure constraints in New England.

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