By Samantha Caputo |
On the menu for this Thanksgiving? A silver platter of midterm election results. Politics always comes up at the dinner table in my family, and I am sure the midterm election results will not be left behind this Thanksgiving. One of the subjects I am curious about is how the midterm election will impact energy and climate. Let’s take a look at what we know so far. Federal Midterm Election…
By Samantha Caputo |
“Put a price on carbon” is a phrase growing in popularity as policymakers, scientists, economists, and others continue to determine pathways to reduce carbon emissions. But, what does it mean to put a price on carbon and why should we consider this? These are questions we have to answer in order to present the case for pricing carbon to state legislatures. To take a deeper dive on this topic, I…
By Darren Port |
Recently, I attended two regional events; the first a full-day symposium in Albany, New York titled Adapting Buildings for Climate Change and the second, our own 2018 NEEP Summit by the Sea in Middletown, RI. The two events shared primary messages. The Symposium featured over a dozen resiliency professionals and academics from New York and beyond gathered to address the question: How do we…
By Chris Tanner |
On October 5, 2018, energy efficiency advocates from around the country came together with corporations, state and local governments, non-profits, and other groups to celebrate the third annual Energy Efficiency Day. In 2017, over 30 official proclamations were issued by state and local governments spanning the country in support of #EEDay. This year, 57 cities, counties, states, and…
By Samantha Caputo |
A timer is ticking, and just when you think you know how much time is left until the buzzer rings, you are presented with a new target. An Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) special report finds that limiting global warming to 1.5°C requires “rapid and far-reaching” transitions in land, energy, industry, buildings, transport, and cities. Global carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions need…
By Elizabeth Titus |
Vienna, Austria is a city steeped in centuries of history, which includes a mix of conservative tradition and cutting-edge innovation. Last June, tourists were wandering through cobblestone streets, museums and castles, eating schnitzel, and watching the World Cup. I was there too, on the grounds of a 19th century palace with over 100 participants for the European Evaluation Conference (formally…
By Guest Contributor |
This post was written by Carol Grant, Commissioner of Rhode Island Office of Energy Resources and NEEP Summit Co-Chair. Energy industry experts are challenged with implementing advanced efficiency as a key pathway to building a low-carbon future. But, what exactly does that mean? What is advanced efficiency? What does a low-carbon future look like? Sometimes it feels as if there are more…
By Samantha Caputo |
As school starts back up, students are returning to their academic routines and teachers are setting plans for the year. Similarly, a few states in New England have the utilities going through their three-year planning process for energy efficiency. Connecticut, Maine, and Massachusetts planning sessions are in full swing, and thus far, they get an A+ effort. There’s always room for growth,…
By Ethan Hughes |
Welcome to the latest REED Rendering issue, a series of blogs where we bring your attention to interesting trends that we see in the data and the stories behind those trends. Energy efficiency is one of the lowest-cost carbon reduction tools. According to data from NEEP’s Regional Energy Efficiency Database (REED) data, in 2016 the Northeast region was able to avoid over three billion…
By Chris Tanner |
As we push through the final months of summer, battered by record heat waves, the energy grid is put to the ultimate test. The increase in demand on the grid is usually passed on to us, the consumer, as a higher energy bill. How can we keep cool while also reducing our energy costs, and in turn, our energy usage? Here are ten tips to help you beat the heat, save money, and reduce your carbon…

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