By Jim OReilly |
Hello from Salt Lake City, where the U.S. Department of Energy is hosting its annual energy codes conference. This year's event has a decidedly different feel to it, as codes move from just being in the domain of building officials, to taking center stage for a number of legislative and administrative offices, energy offices, climate change task forces and advocacy groups. NEEP's Carolyn Sarno…
By neepenergy |
Kinard Junior High School, Fort Collins, CO When we walk into an office building or a school for the first time, it’s always nice to see the familiar blue ENERGY STAR plaque in the lobby.  It represents a commitment to energy efficiency –the tracking and assessment of utility bills and the ongoing maintenance of energy-using systems.  Buildings that achieve the EPA’s ENERGY STAR…
By Josh Craft |
The Boston Globe has been the site of lively debate over common-sense federal lighting standards this week, standards that NEEP strongly supports. Globe columnist Jeff Jacoby voiced his opposition, citing a number of misconceptions about the coming rules. NEEP's Policy Outreach Manager, Natalie Hildt, penned a response to illuminate the facts about coming changes, which will help consumer save…
By neepenergy |
NEEP's  Evaluation, Measurement & Verification (EM&V) Forum has recently completed two large research and evaluation projects.  The results of these studies advance energy efficiency by supporting program administrator calculations of savings from efficient lighting and unitary HVAC equipment and also serving as documentation for submissions to the region’s forward capacity…
By Josh Craft |
Our most recent Policy Tracker is available now.   Key developments include: Final Legislative Developments in Connecticut, Maine, and New York RGGI Fight Continues in New Jersey and New York Noteworthy Reports: NRDC Report on Set-Top Boxes and Institute for Electric Efficiency on Codes and Standards Check out the latest news here.
By neepenergy |
By Sue Coakley, NEEP Executive Director Special to the Worcester Business Journal Originally published July 4, 2011 As the world searches to uncover new sources of clean energy, energy efficiency is often overlooked, even though it is the only existing source that is clean, abundant, affordable and immediately available. People tend to think of energy efficiency as an abstract concept — a…
By Josh Craft |
Thanks to NRDC, a longtime partner of NEEP in helping to set new appliance efficiency standards, the challenge of energy waste from television set-top boxes-those ubiquitous devices that receive cable TV signals or digitally record TV shows-is receiving front-page news coverage. The “Better Viewing, Lower Energy Bills, and Less Pollution” report, available here, shows that the 160 million set-…
By neepenergy |
Where does the time go? It’s already been two years since the Department of Energy (DOE) established the Technical Assistance Network (TAN) to help grantees build strong energy efficiency programs under the requirements of the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant (EECBG), State Energy (SEP), and the Better Buildings programs. More than $18 billion has been dedicated to the Building…
By neepenergy |
Three: One to change it and two to argue over the age of the old one. (*rimshot*) I love a good light bulb joke as much as the next guy in the lighting biz. But the era of light bulb jokes is dimming, and you can blame long-lasting LED lighting. These days, parents can screw an LED light in their child’s nursery and potentially not worry about changing it until they leave for college. LED…
By Allison Webster |
ASHRAE Standard 90.1-2007 — In the world of advanced building energy codes, it’s a major disappointment. ASHRAE 90.2 is a Residential Energy Standard published by the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) that provides guidance for meeting minimum energy efficiency requirements in low-rise residential buildings (single…

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