By Allison Webster |
BAR pilot participant – Cambridge City Hall Annex Determining a commercial building’s asset rating (see sidebar) is a time-consuming process involving multiple site visits, meticulous data collection, engineers and energy modeling, and can cost anywhere from $15-30,000 per building! All of this begs the question: Is there a faster, cheaper, more effective way of evaluating a building’s energy…
By Josh Craft |
The Northeast/Mid-Atlantic region has shown strong progress in delivering energy efficiency programs with greater investment and more aggressive saving goals. As noted in our 2012 Regional Roundup, several states, including Connecticut, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and Vermont have approved multi-year electric and gas energy efficiency plans aiming to continue capture all cost-effective…
By Natalie Hildt Treat |
The table has been set. To say that the stars appear to be aligning over New Hampshire wouldn’t give due credit to the long, hard work of many energy efficiency proponents in the Granite State. But as an advocate who has spent a good deal of time and thought on how to bring the state’s policies and funding levels in line with neighboring states, I have to say that I’m optimistic. New…
By Fritzi Pieper |
Jon Linn (Left), John Hargrove (Right) We here at NEEP are ecstatic to be recognized by Association of Energy Service Professionals (AESP) for Outstanding Achievement in Energy Program Design Implementation  for our DesignLights Consortium® (DLC) project.  AESP, is a national organization dedicated to improving the delivery and implementation of energy efficiency, and has been a…
By dlenergyefficiency |
The saying, "you only have one chance to make a first impression" has never been so true than for the CFL.  When the highly efficient light bulb was first introduced into the market two decades ago, even the most die-hard energy efficiency experts would agree the technology was probably not ready for prime time.  The light output was low and the bulbs took a long time to "warm up".…
By neepenergy |
The Northeast and Mid-Atlantic regions are seeing unprecedented savings in electricity and natural gas use, thanks to a combined commitment to invest over $2.5 billion dollars in energy efficiency through 2013, according to NEEP's second annual Regional Roundup of Energy Efficiency Policy.  The report examines overall policy trends and suggests which states are leading and lagging in…
By neepenergy |
Happy Holidays from Northeast Energy Efficiency Partnerships!Wishing you a wonderful holiday season and a New Year full of peace and happiness!From all of us here at NEEP
By neepenergy |
Registration is now open for the 2012 EM&V Forum Annual Public Meeting, which will be held at the Washington Plaza Hotel in Washington, DC from 9:00am – 4:30pm on December 12. The objective of the Annual Public Meeting is to increase understanding and awareness of the EM&V Forum’s scope and projects through interaction among a broad range of stakeholders from across the region and…
By neepenergy |
Guest Contribution by Kevin Galligan, Program Manager at Cape Light Compact When was the last time you paid attention to a street light?  Probably only when one is burned out, right? Most of us don’t think about street lighting because we just expect it to be there when we need it. But for cities and towns, street lighting is never far from mind.  While most people drive past…
By Natalie Hildt Treat |
Increasing severe weather events. Increasing plug load. An aging infrastructure. Cyber security concerns. The advance of electric cars. The trend toward more distributed and renewable energy generation. Smart appliances. Smart users. And an increasing focus on energy efficiency in buildings and products.  So what will the power grid of the future look like? What will it mean for customers…

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