
Energy Action Month Begins!

Lightbulb October presents the opportunity to enjoy the changing foliage, dress-up as Miley Cyrus (Disney version, please) and collect enough brick-sized candy bars to construct a fortress to house your favorite Halloween nightmares while you slip into your hard earned, sugar-induced slumbers. Exciting, indeed, but what about those of us who aren’t teenagers anymore and still want to ma

Policy Updates from Around the States

Here’s our brief rundown on key developments in energy efficiency policy from around the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic states over the last few months: Energy Efficiency Program Updates
  • Connecticut Draft Decision on Conservation and Load Management (C&LM) Plans: The Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (DEEP) released its

NEEP’s Guide to Picking the High Hanging Fruit of Energy Efficiency

Computers, BCE The Northeast Mid-Atlantic region is a leader in energy efficiency and has achieved substantial energy savings over the last several decades. Innovations in lighting, HVAC, and air sealing have meant homes continue to become more efficient.

Vermont is Willing to Stretch for Efficiency

George Twigg George Twigg of Efficiency Vermont

NEEP’s guest-blogger George Twigg, Director of Public Affairs at EfficiencyVermont shares his perspective on stretch code implementation in Vermont and the importance of providing certainty and consistency for arriving at stakeholder consensus

NEEP Explores the Opportunities and Challenges of Multifamily Efficiency

Multifamily: A Nut Hard to Crack
Tung Huynh, NEEP Tung Huynh, NEEP's Public Policy Intern
Multifamily housing represents an important sector with large untapped energy savings potential.
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