By Chris Tanner |
If you keep up with our blog, social media activity, or our newsletter, you may remember our recent move from 91 Hartwell to 81 Hartwell last July. A big part of this move was embracing our refined vision, and we were lucky enough to find a space that not only gave us a fresh perspective on collaboration, but also a large, open space, ready to make our own. To further personalize and fully…
By Samantha Caputo |
This winter has seen major fluctuations in weather. From record high temperatures in February to extreme lows in January, the impacts of climate change are becoming more apparent each day. I find myself struggling with the conflict of enjoying 70 degree weather in February while also fearing that this will happen more frequently as our climate continues to change. Understanding this eminent…
By Christina Rohrbacher |
Building energy codes are a critical piece of the puzzle in the fight against climate change. Carbon emissions reduction plans must include energy codes that are regularly updated in order to effectively fight climate change. Renewable energy, like solar and wind, are popular and effective energy sources that will drastically reduce our carbon emissions. They are buzzwords that fill our social…
By Samantha Caputo |
As we enter a new year, we tend to set resolutions in an attempt to inspire self-growth and to start the year off on the right foot. My personal new year’s resolution it to eat less meat and buy my produce from local farmers markets. For me, this means eating meat that has been raised sustainably. And, as much as I can, not eating it at all. It’s not always easy to stick to resolutions, but the…
By Lucie Carriou |
NEEP implemented a new strategic plan in 2017 and defined its mission as leveraging energy efficiency as a pathway to carbon reduction. Is your organization also committed to moving efficiency forward? If your focus is on using efficiency as a foundation to reduce carbon emissions, we’d like to partner with you. And, we have the perfect opportunity – our Allies Program. If you want to grow your…
By Darren Port |
Recently the Pennsylvania state legislature passed HB 409, which updates Pennsylvania's broken code adoption process. Unfortunately, the new process is still less than ideal to adopt codes that are the bare legal minimum with which a designer or builder need to comply. Pennsylvania is currently using the 2009 codes, which are no longer supported by the International Code Council and are 30…
By Samantha Caputo |
Welcome to the latest REED Rendering issue, a series of blogs where we bring your attention to interesting trends that we see in the data and the stories behind those trends. The Northeast is known for its Nor’easters and snowy winters, but as climate change brings more extreme weather events with severe cold and worse snow storms, the average expenditures for all major heating fuels…
By Guest Contributor |
This post was written by Andy Armstrong, VP of Sales & Marketing of HVAC Products at Fujitsu General America, as part of its membership in NEEP’s Allies Program. As homeowners consider ways to “live green”, many may be surprised to learn the powerful effect home heating has on achieving optimal energy and cost efficiency. That’s why homeowners give a warm welcome to innovative energy-…
By Shannon Dracup |
As we move full speed ahead into the winter season, temperatures are quickly declining and most New Englanders are prepping how they will handle the higher energy bills throughout the season. This is a yearly battle for many residents in New England as we combat Nor’easters and record low temperatures. Often times, we pay our bills without thinking twice. It has become a norm to have expensive…
By Samantha Caputo |
The season of coming together with friends and family is fast approaching, and Thanksgiving will kick it off this week. With this, I think about the past year and what I am grateful for, as well as what I look forward to most in the New Year. Thanksgiving is an appropriate way to start the holiday season with a day of giving thanks for the harvest and reflecting on the preceding year. Everything…

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