By neepenergy |
NEEP and CHPS staff outside the entrance to Lebanon Middle School NEEP’s Regional High Performance Schools Working Group hit the road this July to gather at the newly constructed Lebanon Middle School in New Hampshire for their annual in-person meeting.  Working group members got a sneak peak of the high performance school, which was designed to the Northeast Collaborative for High…
By neepenergy |
University of Vermont is one of 12 higher education institutions in the state investing millions in energy efficiency. How far will $16 million dollars go to create green college campuses in the Green Mountain State? A lot further than you think. Recently, twelve of Vermont’s most prominent institutions of higher education pledged more than $16 million to green revolving funds, and they are…
By Alicia Dunn |
The potential energy savings in the multi-family sector is tremendous. In spite of this, the sector has not been a point of focus for retrofit projects as there are multiple barriers to achieving complete success in these types of projects. Beginning June 1, Northeast Energy Efficiency Partnerships will assist Efficiency Maine in its efforts to develop and deploy a multi-year energy efficiency…
By neepenergy |
Residential lighting efficiency programs don’t come as cheap as they used to. Due to increasing product costs and federal Energy Information and Security Act (EISA) standards that raise minimum efficiency requirements and lower the incremental savings of high efficiency lighting products, lighting programs need bigger budgets to gain smaller but still significant energy savings.  At the…
By dlenergyefficiency |
With the growth of home entertainment systems, home computer systems and battery-powered devices, the number of consumer electronic products we own has mushroomed in a matter of just a few years. Consumer electronics now represent the fastest growing sector of residential energy consumption — and one of the biggest areas of wasted electricity. External power supplies (EPS) — the little black…
By Fritzi Pieper |
The DesignLights™ Consortium (DLC) Qualified Product List (QPL) ( provides a central place for manufacturers to submit products for qualification and for utilities and energy efficiency program administrators to distinguish high performing products for use in their incentive programs.  Due to the rapid technological advances in the Solid State  Lighting (SSL)…
By Jim OReilly |
Add Philadelphia to the growing number of jurisdictions that have adopted laws requiring rating and disclosure of building energy performance. The Philadelphia City Council on Thursday voted unanimously to approve a new ordinance requiring energy benchmarking of large commercial buildings in the city. Thanks to the leadership of Councilwoman Blondell Reynolds Brown, ENERGY STAR Portfolio…
By neepenergy |
Join the conversation in Stamford, CT on June 13th, 2012 at the NEEP Summit  Building en ergy rating and disclosure policies are gaining steam as a mechanism to drive the market for energy efficient buildings and to reduce impact on the environment. Like food labels or miles-per-gallon ratings on cars, building energy rating and disclosure makes energy use transparent so that buyers,…
By Natalie Hildt Treat |
NEEP has worked long and hard on whole-building, all-fuel energy efficiency solutions. Recently the Boston Globe ran Natalie Hildt's opinion piece in its online section called The Podium. Below is the full text. It’s a heartbreaking but all-too familiar story: hardworking, self-sufficient family falls on tough times. Wife is disabled, husband loses good-paying job. And then, the ancient oil…
By neepenergy |
Developed by Northeast Energy Efficiency Partnerships and informed by stakeholders from around the region, the “Roadmap to Zero Net Energy Pubic Buildings” presents 5 steps states and municipalities can do now to make zero net energy public buildings (ZNEBs) a reality across the region within 15 years. Mass Gov. Deval Patrick at this May's dedication of the John Olver Transit Center in…

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