
Benchmarking: From Policy to Action

Since the dawn of time, energy efficiency supporters have touted benchmarking as the critical first step to reducing energy consumption in the buildings sector. Whether it's the first step or not, the age-old saying "you can't manage what you don't measure" is true. Assessing our energy performance is critical to inform improvement efforts.

Growing the Clean Energy Workforce

During the Great Depression, women were discouraged from working. Why? So that the few jobs available could go to heads of households, aka male breadwinners.  

But then, along comes World War II and the majority of the workforce is gone, off to fight the war. The need for war supplies continued to exist and factories across the nation needed workers. What could they do? Who could fill those roles?

Women! Yes the same women once discouraged from entering the workforce.

Energy Codes: Keeping Occupants Safe and Healthy

My grandparents used to live in an 1821 Connecticut farmhouse. The property was beautiful – original wood floors and beams, nine acres of yard, a horse shed, big garden, small creek, and towering maple and oak trees. We always considered spending the holiday season there, but never did; mold, mildew, and rot that had grown throughout the structure triggered allergic reactions and severely limited our ability to stay overnight.

A Day in the Life of a Facility Manager

When you think of energy efficient buildings, who are the critical market actors that come to mind? Perhaps it’s those that are responsible for the design and construction of buildings – the architects, engineers, and contractors. Or maybe it’s your local utility company that offers some form of a rebate or incentive for installing energy efficient equipment.

Consumer Demand Drives the Market, Education Drives Change

The beginning of September brings not only cooler weather and Patriots football, but also millions of students continuing their education with the first day of school.

Many of our country’s teachers will have the same question on their minds: how can I allow my students to succeed? Developing and acquiring new skills is essential for student success. The same is true for professional growth and advancement. Lucky for realtors, this time of year is not just for grade school students.

CAPEE: Season One Recap, Season Two Preview

Season after season, communities across the NEEP region continue to lead the charge in terms of reducing energy consumption and carbon emissions in our fight against climate change. On the Buildings and Community Solutions team here at NEEP, we collaborate with stakeholders to develop resources and share best practices that help drive these improvements in communities.

Big Waves From a Small Capital

With a population of just under 8,000 people, Montpelier, Vermont is the smallest state capital in the United States. It's a small town with big-city amenities - a lively arts and music scene, great restaurants, excellent schools, and an active community life. The city’s approach to energy and sustainability is no different.

Code Adoption, Non Constrained

In December 2017, NEEP published a revised edition of the Model Progressive Building Energy Codes Policy paper, or as we like to call it, our “energy code bible”. The latest version – a new Building Energy Codes for a Carbon-Constrained Era: A Toolkit of Strategies and Examples paper is divided into two sections.

ACE in an Instant: The Latest in Community Efficiency

Communities – whether at the state or jurisdictional level – are stepping up and taking their energy future into their own hands. And, in discussions about the energy future of communities, there’s also talk around reaching carbon reduction and resiliency goals. Communities are exercising their power and autonomy in making their goals a reality.

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