
Creating Value for Decarbonized Homes

The market of buying and selling homes is evolving, with consumers mindful of sustainability and the environment. At the same time, our homes are evolving and new technologies and practices are becoming increasingly prevalent in the real estate market. These technologies and practices make a home far more energy efficient than the housing stock to which we are accustomed.

Getting Into The Zone: Using Green Zoning to Achieve our Carbon Reduction Goals

In many states around the country, the increased stringency of building energy codes is the only way to ensure that building energy is reduced over time. However, international building energy codes are only updated periodically and sometimes take years to be adopted at the state level. This often results in building energy reduction falling behind state carbon reduction goals.

Top Seven Things to Know About ACE

In baseball, the ace is a team’s superstar starting pitcher – a dominant and reliable player that takes the mound every five games. In poker, an ace is the highest ranking card and cause for optimism when dealt your way. On NEEP’s Buildings and Communities Solutions Team, ACE is an exciting new project that will help transform energy efficiency initiatives in communities.

Interested in learning more? Check out these top seven things to know about the project.

What does it stand for?

It’s simple, ACE stands for Achieving Community Efficiency.

I Lived Through the Merrimack Valley Gas Explosions and This is What I Learned

Every year in the fall, I head to Cape Cod for a last-ditch vacation before the year-end work crunch hits and the New England winter begins to take hold. 2018 was no different. At least as I headed to Provincetown.

Three days before I was supposed to return home, vacation was cut short. While I was at the beach without cell service, my family frantically called and texted. “Turn on the news,” all the messages said. And, just like that, life changed.

A Zero Energy Vision for Massachusetts

Massachusetts has been number one on the ACEEE Energy Efficiency Scorecard for eight years in a row. It is important that we celebrate this massive achievement. It’s also important to recognize that we have the tools, the state leadership, and the grassroots manpower to do better.

Third HELIX Summit: A Day of Education, Excitement, and Well-Loved Corny Jokes

Do you ever get the feeling of pure excitement and relief all at once? Well that is how I felt on December 7 at my first ever Home Energy Labeling Information eXchange (HELIX) Summit. I was relieved that the day had finally arrived, and excited to see how it would play out.

The Rural Energy Cost Burden: Designing Code Compliance and Energy Efficiency Programs for Underserved Populations

Updated energy codes are critical to ensuring that all new construction homes or renovations are built to be efficient, comfortable, and safe. The conversation, however, gets more complicated when examining how energy codes, or a lack thereof, affect underserved populations.

Getting Ready to Rent an Apartment? Use this Renter's Checklist to Make an Informed Choice

As we head into August, we inch closer to the inevitable September 1 rental property turnover in the greater Boston area. With all of the colleges and universities in the area, it is the biggest move-in day in the city.

With this turnover comes the rush to find the perfect apartment in a city where there are more people than apartments to go around. Renters often rush to nab an apartment off the market before the next viewer comes to see it.

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