By Josh Craft |
This summer, we’ve seen the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic states continue tackle the major themes outlined at last month’s NEEP Summit in Newport: modernizing the electric grid, de-carbonizing the electric sector, and managing electric-gas infrastructure constraints in New England. As you can see, policymakers did not shy away from strong action in June and July — whether it was the EPA releasing…
By Samantha Bresler |
Air Source Heat Pumps (ASHPs) are one of the fastest growing heating and cooling technologies in our region. They have impressive efficiency profiles, high customer satisfaction reviews and are all electric, which means they can take pressure off fossil fuels and also be integrated with on-site solar generation. As with anything new, there is plenty of room for debate and discussion, and a need…
By Brian Buckley |
For quite some time, the zero net energy concept has struggled to reach beyond the domain of policy advocates and pilot projects; but the world is changing. Recent storms of unparalleled intensity, falling costs of distributed generation, and the real world possibility of large-scale energy storage have led to a unique moment in the building energy industry: Daybreak on Net Zero Energy. But…
By Carolyn Goldthwaite |
Greater Energy Savings through Building Energy Performance Policy, a new report by the Department of Energy’s State & Local Energy Efficiency Action Network (SEE Action) provides recommendations for state and local governments to design policies and programs to achieve measurable improvements in efficiency outcomes in commercial buildings. The vision for the document is a future where…
By Kevin Rose |
For more background, see our earlier 2014 Building Code Preview Unlike automobiles, appliances, or consumer electronics, buildings constructed today will still have an impact on U.S. energy use 50 to 100 years from now—if not longer. Building energy codes improve the energy efficiency of these long-term investments by setting minimum requirements for new and renovated buildings. In…
By Natalie Hildt Treat |
We are fortunate to have three bright college interns working with us in Lexington this summer. Trevor, Lauren, and Erika are learning as much as they are contributing to our work, being exposed to an array of topics, joining external meetings and events, participating in NEEP projects and partnership groups, and generally getting a taste of the wide world of energy efficiency programs and…
By John Otterbein |
John Otterbein, Marketing Communications Associate Throw some popcorn in an energy efficient microwave, turn down the overhead, living-room LEDS with your shiny-new home energy management system, and join our story’s protagonist, energy efficiency, on a myriad of journeys. Every year we nominate, film, and present video case studies highlighting forward thinking businesses that have molded…
By Natalie Hildt Treat |
NEEP joined friends in Delaware and fellow supporters of energy efficiency from around the nation in cheering a landmark bill passed in the final hours of the state’s legislative session. Included as an amendment to Senate Bill 150, the legislation set the stage for the state’s ratepayer-funded electric and gas efficiency programs to be administered by utility providers. Natalie Hildt Treat,…
By Danielle Wilson |
Danielle Wilson, Regional EM&V Forum Associate Comparing the Evaluation, Measurement & Verification (EM&V) world to alphabet soup can be an apt description. ANSI, TRM, NREL, TNB, UMP, FERC, NAESB are just a few of the acronyms and initialisms that came up at the pre-Summit evaluation workshop hosted by NEEP’s Regional EM&V Forum (the Forum) on June 2.* Over 60 policymakers,…
By Brian Buckley |
Last week, during a special meeting of the Cambridge City Council that ran for more than six hours, through the night and into the next day, the Cambridge City Council approved a Building Energy Usage Disclosure Ordinance.  What brought the meeting beyond the midnight hour?  Continue below to find out… First Things First: What is Building Energy Benchmarking? Building Energy…

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