By John Balfe |
With the lights dimmed and the stage set, CHPS was ready to make its return to the Bay State after a brief hiatus. With a recent training in Maynard, NE-CHPS took back its place at center stage. Setting the Stage  Prior to 2014, Massachusetts had long been a pioneer and national leader in the construction of CHPS Verified schools. In fact, as of 2015 there were over 60 completed CHPS…
By Sue Coakley |
It’s been 20 years since utility companies, policymakers and efficiency leaders got together to form what would become “the Northeast Energy Efficiency Partnerships” (NEEP). In 2016, as we navigate a period of rapid change in the energy landscape, NEEP looks back on the maturation of efficiency and how far the nation, the region and the industry have come in embracing efficiency as a resource…
By Brian Buckley |
In a move that positioned Maryland as a national leader on energy efficiency, last June the Maryland Public Service Commission issued an Order extending the state’s successful EmPOWER Maryland programs while also directing program administrators to develop comprehensive gas efficiency programs, and reach for savings at two percent of retail sales for the electric programs. And less than two…
By Natalie Hildt Treat |
Since the beginning, partnerships with state agencies have been central to NEEP’s work. We provide guidance and acquire insights from states, help them connect the dots and leverage resources, and facilitate shared learning and progress through working groups and collaborative processes. It was a pleasure to talk with agency representatives from some of our states to learn about what they've…
By Brian Buckley |
Aside from energy efficiency being the least-cost energy resource, a common argument used to support programs is that they create jobs and keep ratepayer dollars in-state. This argument seems at least intuitively correct, since it takes bodies in the field — or perhaps more appropriately, in attics and basements — to install energy savings measures. But if energy efficiency creates so many jobs…
By Brian Buckley |
Spring has sprung, and it’s time for the latest edition of NEEP’s Policy Tracker. We’re closely watching Maryland’s EmPOWER proceedings after indications of a possible rollback of efficiency programs, while positive developments on the regulatory front are moving New Hampshire and Delaware closer to full program implementation. Read on for more… Maryland …
By Colin Walker |
Take a look inside the spring edition of NEEP’s Energy Efficiency Snapshot This blog is the first issue in a bimonthly series entitled: REED Renderings. The purpose of REED Renderings is to bring your attention to interesting trends that we see in the data and the stories behind those trends. Interested in learning more about REED and REED Renderings? Click here.   It’s no secret that the…
By Natalie Hildt Treat |
Thank you for helping us create the future together. This blog is one of a series celebrating NEEP's 20th Anniversary. Stay tuned for more on the history of energy efficiency in the region.   A mangrove swamp in Florida is not the first thing that comes to mind when thinking about NEEP. It’s not in the Northeast. There are no buildings in sight. And the only energy efficiency at play is how…
By Jim OReilly |
Editor's Note: Since publication of this blog, lawmakers agreed on a budget that diverts $3 million of RGGI proceeds into the general fund.   Earlier this spring, NEEP issued its annual Regional Roundup of Energy Efficiency Policy, which we undertake each year in order to give policymakers, regulators, program administrators and other energy efficiency stakeholders a comparative view of the…
By Brian Buckley |
Building upon decades of successful ratepayer-funded efficiency program administration, efforts to bring private, public, and philanthropic capital to energy efficiency are trending throughout the Northeast region and beyond. But, can private finance and ratepayer funded energy efficiency programs peacefully co-exist in a single market?  Or should one market mechanism’s rising support…

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