By John Otterbein |
NEEP was honored to participate in an important Restructuring Roundtable discussion last week on the state of energy efficiency in the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic states. Sue Coakley, NEEP’s Executive Director, presented at the event along with Massachusetts Commissioner of Energy Resources Mark Sylvia, Connecticut Energy Policy Advisor Jessie Stratton and Steve Rourke of ISO-New England. The…
By Samantha Bresler |
According to NEEP’s Northeast Residential Lighting Strategy (RLS) Update, energy savings from efficient lighting continues to be the most cost effective measure for efficiency programs.  In order to expand upon the savings from efficiency programs, ratepayer funded programs require robust support. The RLS update serves as a supplemental document to NEEP’s original 2012 Northeast RLS with…
By John Otterbein |
The world of multi-family efficiency is reaching a turning point in its evolution. The multi-family sector promises substantial potential energy savings that have not yet been adequately addressed due, in part, to a number of market barriers impeding progress. NEEP partnered with Efficiency Maine Trust (EMT) last summer to collaborate on a comprehensive multi-family efficiency project. NEEP…
By Jim OReilly |
Hallelujah. Finally, we have an American president devoting considerable attention to the topic of climate change and the energy policies that drive it. In his State of the Union address last night, President Obama made very clear that the time has come to act. For those of us engaged in ending energy waste and believing we can do more with less, his words were most welcome. The President is…
By Allison Webster |
Last week, a damaging bill (HB 5749) for building energy efficiency was heard in Connecticut. The bill describes itself as attempting to “save resources” for the Nutmeg State and creates a “more consistent State Building Code,” when in fact it would accomplish neither! Here is NEEP’s written testimony against the bill. HB 5749, if passed, would have Connecticut revise the State Building Code…
By neepenergy |
2013 is off to a roaring start in terms of energy efficiency in the region, with the approval of landmark efficiency programs in five states (Mass., Conn., N.H., Maine and R.I.), a major new report by ISO-New England showing that electricity prices and consumption are falling, The proposal of nine RGGI states to lower the carbon cap by 45 percent, and several exciting pieces of legislation…
By Natalie Hildt Treat |
Tung Huynh, NEEP's Public Policy Intern We have been fortunate to have another terrific intern on our team since last fall. Tung Huynh recently completed his masters degree in environmental policy from Clark University in Worcester, Mass. A native of Vietnam, Tung brings excellent analytical and writing skills, and is working on a number of projects relative to state efficiency investments…
By Ed Londergan |
The Regional Multi-family Leadership Group will meet on February 27 at the New England Regional EPA Headquarters in Boston. The Leadership Group is composed of members from energy efficiency program administrators, state energy offices, state and local housing programs, local and federal government agencies, non-profit organizations and other stakeholders from 11 Northeast and Mid-Atlantic…
By Josh Craft |
ISO-New England made headlines recently when it announced that wholesale electric prices fell by 23% between 2011 and 2012, driven by low natural gas prices. That’s good news for consumers throughout New England, and there is more good news for the region. ISO-New England also reported that electricity consumption dropped by 0.6% to 128,249 GWh (normalized for weather) compared with 2011. This…
By dlenergyefficiency |
While the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) had developed significant momentum updating appliance standards during President Obama’s first term, we have been disappointed in their ability to complete rulemakings of late. Over the past year and half, DOE has failed to meet deadlines for eight separate product categories. Such delays hold up effective dates for the new standards — sacrificing…

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