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By Derek Koundakjian |
Taking the first step to replace your home’s heating and cooling system can be overwhelming. For one, it’s your home – no one wants to feel uncomfortable in their living space and it can be a scary thought to make a wrong decision. For two, no two homes are exactly the same – there are many factors that leave consumers confused when deliberating the “right” type of heating system for them,…
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By Samantha Caputo |
Fall is upon us, though with typical New England weather, we are in the midst of our first fall and second summer of the season. This is the time of year where we dress for fall in the morning and for summer in the afternoon. It can cause lots of planning challenges! We see some similar state policy activity where some states are wrapping up items from the summer and others are in full swing on…
By Bryan Evans |
The beginning of September brings not only cooler weather and Patriots football, but also millions of students continuing their education with the first day of school. Many of our country’s teachers will have the same question on their minds: how can I allow my students to succeed? Developing and acquiring new skills is essential for student success. The same is true for professional growth and…
By Samantha Caputo |
Welcome to the latest REED Rendering issue, a series of blogs where we bring your attention to interesting trends that we see in the data and the stories behind those trends. It is an exciting time for energy efficiency programs. States throughout the NEEP region are prioritizing climate goals and working to decarbonize the economy. States are doing this by integrating zero carbon…
By John Balfe |
Season after season, communities across the NEEP region continue to lead the charge in terms of reducing energy consumption and carbon emissions in our fight against climate change. On the Buildings and Community Solutions team here at NEEP, we collaborate with stakeholders to develop resources and share best practices that help drive these improvements in communities. In 2017, NEEP began the…
By Giselle Procaccianti |
There is no denying that the impacts of global warming have created a sense of urgency to accelerate decarbonization efforts in all sectors – from transport and electricity generation to building and industry. Now more than ever, the implementation of electrification initiatives plays a critical role in reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Specifically, electrification is critical, as the…
By Guest Contributor |
This blog was written by David Farnsworth and Dr. Jan Rosenow of Regulatory Assistance Project, and represents the organization's work and approach. Building Decarb Central is meant to share different perspectives on the topic of building decarbonization. This blog is part of that dialogue. Despite being an ocean apart, Germany and New England are similar in many respects. More than 75 percent…
By Dave Hewitt |
Berkeley, California made news recently with a ban on natural gas hookups in most new construction. The story has definitely been picked up by the media as Berkeley is the first city to ban natural gas. NRDC estimates that as many as 50 cities in California are considering similar bans. A couple of very good articles that covered the event from different angles are a story in the Guardian that…
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By Dave Hewitt |
The Berkeley limitations on new hookups for natural gas will likely set a precedent for new construction activity in many cities and some states across the country. While the efficient, electrified replacement technologies for water and space heating are not well known, they are – at least – likely in the basement or garage. They are out-of-sight and out-of-mind. That is, of course, if they…
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By Dave Hewitt |
The Washington state legislature has approved a statewide effort to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from the building sector. HB 1257, Clean Buildings for Washington Act includes development of an existing building standard that applies to non-residential buildings along with hotels, motels, and dormitories greater than 50,000 square feet in size. The program will start with a voluntary phase –…

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