By Christina Rohrbacher |
Updated energy codes are critical to ensuring that all new construction homes or renovations are built to be efficient, comfortable, and safe. The conversation, however, gets more complicated when examining how energy codes, or a lack thereof, affect underserved populations. The Challenge: Energy Burdens in Underserved Populations According to a new ACEEE study on rural energy burdens, people…
By Claire Miziolek |
Looking for info on EISA?  Join NEEP's webinar on 9/14.  Register here. In the appliance standards world, 2018 started off with a bang! Five states (three in the Northeast) pursued legislation featuring a range of new appliance efficiency standards, with several other states expressing interest and intent to follow suit. How did it go?                                                     Well,…
By Samantha Caputo |
As we head into August, we inch closer to the inevitable September 1 rental property turnover in the greater Boston area. With all of the colleges and universities in the area, it is the biggest move-in day in the city. With this turnover comes the rush to find the perfect apartment in a city where there are more people than apartments to go around. Renters often rush to nab an apartment off the…
By Elizabeth Titus |
I was driving to work early on a beautiful summery Monday morning, mentally already in the office getting ready for a busy day. As I approached one familiar intersection, there was a different speed limit sign – not the typical “Speed Limit 20” post planted in the ground, but one that said “Speed Limit 20” and, below it, an announcement of my speed – 27 – in flashing lights. It went even further…
By Christina Rohrbacher |
When people bring up Bigfoot, they often cite evidence that lacks credibility. Even with the lack of tangible, physical proof of Big Foot’s existence, people are still willing to embrace the beast as fact. This is how myths persist. The folklore of Bigfoot has not ceased in recent years, and the same false narratives continue to be passed around the internet. Myths exist in every facet of our…
By John Balfe |
As temperatures rise in the Northeast this summer, so too does the amount of energy being consumed by buildings throughout the region. According to ISO New England, the top 10 demand days for electricity all occur within the summer months. Stretches of hot and humid days, such as what much of the region is experiencing currently leading into the Fourth of July holiday, puts a significant strain…
By Guest Contributor |
This post was written by Julie Michals, Director of Clean Energy Valuation at E4TheFuture, as part of its membership in NEEP’s Allies Program. The original blog was first posted here. It’s been over a year since NESP published the groundbreaking National Standard Practice Manual (NSPM). After months of ongoing state outreach to build understanding of the NSPM, stakeholder interest is…
By Samantha Caputo |
Some may be more challenged to find their patriotism this Fourth of July as the federal administration continues to attempt bringing down the progress we have made in clean energy, carbon reduction, and energy efficiency, but let us not forget the efforts of our states. Let’s go out and celebrate all of their great work this year. Here’s a closer look at some of the most recent efforts by state…
By David Lis |
On May 17, NEEP held a public webinar to present our recently published Action Plan to Accelerate Strategic Electrification in the Northeast. While we might expect everyone to drop what they were doing to attend our webinar, we understand that the world is a busy place. In case you were one of those folks who are interested in this topic but schedules haven’t allowed either a review of the…
By Giselle Procaccianti |
Preparing for workshops, conferences, and public meetings has always been exciting for me; but when I was asked to help suggest topics and give input for a public meeting on a subject on which I had merely skimmed the surface, I asked myself the obvious question- “how could I possibly prepare myself to give a substantial contribution to this meeting?” As I sat in on NEEP’s initial planning…

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