By Christina Rohrbacher |
Massachusetts has been number one on the ACEEE Energy Efficiency Scorecard for eight years in a row. It is important that we celebrate this massive achievement. It’s also important to recognize that we have the tools, the state leadership, and the grassroots manpower to do better. Is being number one good enough? A football team does not stop practicing, working hard, or fine-tuning their game…
By Samantha Caputo |
Happy new year and welcome to 2019! The general attitude going into 2019 was thank gosh 2018 is over. I am not sure what it was about 2018, but everyone sure seemed happy to leave it behind and look forward to the future. I was among them. One thing that we definitely need to leave behind is the rise in greenhouse gas emissions. Shocker, I know! But, after three years of decline, the U.S. saw a…
By Christina Rohrbacher |
Do you ever get the feeling of pure excitement and relief all at once? Well that is how I felt on December 7 at my first ever Home Energy Labeling Information eXchange (HELIX) Summit. I was relieved that the day had finally arrived, and excited to see how it would play out.  As a NEEP employee for a year now, I have been privileged to be part of the HELIX team. The Summit felt like the…
By David Lis |
2019 ushers in the sixth year of NEEP’s regional air-source heat pump (ASHP) market transformation initiative aimed at  the residential space heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) market across the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic. Along with the new year comes a number of new elements of the initiative that promise to bring greater impact to the regional market. We invite you to join…
By Guest Contributor |
This post was written by Suzanne Shelton, founder and CEO of Shelton Group, the nation's leading marketing communications firm entirely focused on energy and the environment. At Shelton Group, we poll Americans several times a year to dig into their beliefs and expectations about energy and the environment. For years, we’ve seen that we have a few fundamental value proposition problems with…
By Sue Coakley |
The energy and carbon intensity of existing buildings has been a vexing problem for more than three decades. While lighting, appliances, and a wide variety of other technologies have significantly upgraded energy performance, the buildings that they are placed into have been remarkably resistant to major change. Direct fossil fuel use by end use and sector in New York and New England. (…
By Giselle Procaccianti |
Sitting in a workshop hosted by NEEP last month, I found myself on a stepping stone towards the reality of the “grid of the future” and enjoying thought provoking presentations and discourse on a seemingly esoteric topic - the role of advanced measurement and verification in grid modernization. So why would NEEP choose to host a webinar on this topic? I really do think that it’s because…
Tags: M&V 2.0, EM&V
By Darren Port |
High Hopes for Energy Efficiency In Massachusetts It was a typical gray and cold Western Mass winter morning, but November 20, 2018 was no ordinary day. Great anticipation filled the streets of Northampton as the first recreational cannabis dispensary opened its doors for sales. A line of thousands of people stood for hours to purchase locally-grown cannabis. My mom texted from Florida at 7:00 a…
By Cecily McChalicher |
Welcome to the latest REED Rendering issue, a series of blogs where we bring your attention to interesting trends that we see in the data and the stories behind those trends. This Thanksgiving, before filling up on turkey and pumpkin pie, my two young daughters and I tuned in to the 2018 National Dog Show to watch Whiskey the Whippet dominate the competition and win the title of ‘Best…
By Alexandra Bueno |
As an intern at NEEP—and first-time employee of the energy and efficiency industry—I have a lot of catching up to do when it comes to understanding the current energy landscape. That includes not only how the grid currently functions, but how the latest technology and policy developments are transforming that functionality. My eyes are always peeled for learning opportunities, be they NEEP’s own…

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