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By Dave Hewitt |
This article is the third in a series referencing a paper Sue Coakley and I authored for the Electricity Journal. This special edition of the Electricity Journal titled “Energy Optimization is the Key to Affordable, Reliable Decarbonization” was coordinated by the Regulatory Assistance Project. NEEP’s contribution, Transforming our Buildings for a Low-Carbon Era: Five Key Strategies, discusses…
By Dave Hewitt |
Since 1990, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada has had a climate action plan that has been amended and expanded multiple times. It is one of the leading cities in the world in addressing climate change and has shown creativity in addressing energy issues from a variety of perspectives including bicycle transportation, urban densification, building regulation, and neighborhood heat pump systems…
By Giselle Procaccianti |
As glaciers and ice sheets melt, sea levels rise, and several species like the white rhinoceros are decimated down to their last, I have been reading about Greta Thunberg and her fight to save our future planet. Her passion at times can be both awe-inspiring and guilt-inducing, but her impact is undoubtedly sobering. This 16-year-old started her one-person climate action strike in August 2018,…
By Samantha Caputo |
States throughout the NEEP region recognize the need to address climate change and transform the way we generate and use energy. The global scientific consensus is that we need to decarbonize our economy 45 percent by 2030 and reach carbon neutrality by 2050 in order to reduce the chance of exceeding 1.5 degrees Celsius. We are already experiencing the impacts of climate change and exceeding 1.5…
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By Elizabeth Titus |
The Scouts’ motto of “Be Prepared” may be old, but it’s still relevant in today’s world. Prepared for what? Well, the motto means being in a state of readiness for anything that comes along, being willing and able to tackle whatever is needed. There is no denying that there is a lot of change afoot in the energy industry, with new policies, goals, programs, technologies, and data streams adding…
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By Dave Hewitt |
I am always excited at the beginning stages of a new product or project, especially if it’s a brand new area of focus - a “blue water” opportunity that has tremendous potential, but is also uncharted. The first part is easy, you simply have to start moving. Of course, having a goal in mind and a rough idea of how to proceed is helpful. Over time, you need to get smarter and demonstrate the…
By Dave Hewitt |
This article is the first in a series referencing a paper Sue Coakley and I authored for the Electricity Journal. This special edition of the Electricity Journal titled “Energy Optimization is the Key to Affordable, Reliable Decarbonization” was coordinated by the Regulatory Assistance Project. NEEP’s contribution, Transforming our Buildings for a Low-Carbon Era: Five Key Strategies, discusses…
By Dave Hewitt |
This article is the second in a series referencing a paper Sue Coakley and I authored for the Electricity Journal. This special edition of the Electricity Journal titled “Energy Optimization is the Key to Affordable, Reliable Decarbonization” was coordinated by the Regulatory Assistance Project (RAP). NEEP’s contribution, Transforming our Buildings for a Low-Carbon Era: Five Key Strategies,…
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By Dave Hewitt |
Much of our thinking about the built environment is focused on individual buildings, which is generally a useful framework. Buildings align with ownership, buildings are regulated by zoning and codes, buildings frequently represent a utility customer, and buildings typically have their own heating and cooling systems. But many of the services that buildings receive are developed as part of a…
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By Samantha Caputo |
We all need principles to guide us in our lives. Principles set forth “a fundamental truth or proposition that serves as the foundation for a system of belief or behavior or for a chain of reasoning [Oxford Dictionaries].” They encompass values to identify what’s important, and can apply to many circumstances, such as cultural, legal or economic.   This is what the National Standard…

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