Policy News

Five Reasons Massachusetts is #1 for Energy Efficiency for Fifth Consecutive Year

Massachusetts, you’ve done it again! Today, the American Council for an Energy Efficiency Economy (ACEEE) announced that it has selected the Bay State as the most energy efficient in the nation – this marks the fifth year Massachusetts has topped the charts for national energy efficiency policy and practice.

Energy Efficiency Policy Tracker - August 2015

This Fall’s Policy Tracker reviews recent regulatory developments, notable legislative victories, state energy planning, takes a brief look at the Clean Power Plan’s projected benefits, and presents data from recent reports on the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initative.

The region’s regulatory landscape has been abuzz with energy efficiency developments during summer 2015, and below we describe recent state proceedings of import:

New Hampshire Poised to Enact Energy Efficiency Resource Standard

After many years of successful yet limited energy efficiency programs, New Hampshire is taking concrete steps to ramp up its investments in energy efficiency, likely through the creation of an Energy Efficiency Resource Standard (EERS).

A Call for Compliance: Energy Efficiency’s Role in the Clean Power Plan

With the EPA’s announcement of final rules under 111(d), we turn the page toward a cleaner, healthier, economically vibrant power sector.  At NEEP, we’re fortunate to operate within a region which has time and time again proven that energy efficiency can be the cornerstone to a more resilient, clean, reliable and affordable energy system.

Which Energy Efficiency Policies Saved the Most Last Year?

This post originally appeared on the ACEEE Blog.

We are periodically asked how much different policies have saved and which policies have had the largest impact. In our recent report on energy efficiency progress over the past 35 years, we reviewed many current energy savings estimates and projections. Here I wanted to summarize which policies appear to be saving the most energy today, looking at estimated energy savings in calendar year 2014.

What Con Edison’s BQDM Project Reveals About Geo-targeting and Utility Incentives

Editor's Note: Subsequent to this article's publication, ConEdison's draft ETIP filing outlined performance incentives between five and ten percent of the their program portfolio, according to how cost-effectively savings are achieved within pre-set program budgets.

Spring Intern Bridges the Fields of Engineering and Policy

Somewhere at the intersection of technological innovations, policy debates, and utility regulation lies the subject of energy efficiency.  To help tackle such an interdisciplinary field, NEEP’s policy team was fortunate enough to welcome a fledgling engineer into our midst for an internship during the spring of 2015.

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